Premium subscribers enjoy a range of additional advanced analysis features covering graphs, maps and reports. Deep exploration of your data is made easy. All features are fully interactive and can be customized using filters. Reports can be exported and printed.
Compare species counts between years, months, locations or checklists.
See how your species count has progressed over time.
Identify the most common families and orders for different places.
See how populations of species have changed throughout a year, or between years.
Visualize where you've been birding.
Explore your observations on a map.
Enjoy your photos presented geographically.
Lists all observations, ungrouped by entry.
A simple list of all species observed.
Show lifers & firsts, in sequence, within a date range.
A printable checklist to take on trips, highlighting target species.
Premium features are available in desktop apps. Bird Journal mobile apps are unrestricted.